Ending Post

Reflecting back on my previous posts, I felt that my semester long research was productive even though I had troubles searching for recent news about schools having healthier lunch. I also find it interesting because there were so much factors that contributed for students having a better lunch in school. My topic has evolved little by little as I wanted to focus about childhood obesity and now I’m more focusing about childhood hunger and not wanting students to throw away their foods.

Image from Google

To review my progress, I went back to my first post of the semester and then my most recent post which was about the PSA poster. Comparing the both articles I was able to distinguish that on my first post I wanted to covey to my readers that having a healthier lunch in school will decrease childhood obesity. While on my most recent post, I focused that the healthier school lunch should not go to waste because they are many children that are suffering from childhood hunger. I realized that with my general topic (healthier school lunches), I was able to research more specific topics that connects with my general topic which was why my topic has evolved over this past semester.

I think I began to evolve my topic when I was researching about the factors that is making students not to eat their school lunch. I began to see that students are not eating enough because they don’t have enough time to eat during their lunch periods, some students prefer a packed lunch that their parents made them or they are simply they don’t want to eat the lunches because it contains fruits and vegetables. With this, I was able to see there are many factors that affect school lunches in a negative way. Nevertheless, I continued to research more and to show how important school lunches are as it affects many people in a positive way like children in low income families who can’t afford heathier food or a student who depends on school lunches as their meal for the whole day. Overall, with the negatives and positives factor that I was able to get in my research I was able to see how complex my topic is.

Image from Google

One factor that didn’t change is position to have healthy lunches for the students in schools. As a supporter, I always try to incorporate in my posts how important for students to have a healthy lunch while they are in school. I want my readers to know about the importance of children having a better diet through their school lunches. I also wanted my audience to know that having a school lunch is important factor to a student as they need to refuel their body and brains when they are at school.

Image from Google

I encourage readers to research more on what students are eating in school or the policies that government implemented like the Healthy Hunger Free Kids Act. Readers can always try to find in the internet sources that talks about the school lunches. I would recommend the USDA website because they have simple facts what the Act is about and how lunches are served. Some information that the website indicates, “Students have grown to like the healthier school meals. According to a recent survey by Robert Wood Johnson, respondents at 70 percent of elementary schools reported that students liked the new lunches. Across all grade levels, while there were initial complaints in the fall of 2012, by the end of the year the majority of the kids liked the healthier meals” this is kind of information can inform readers that the government is monitoring schools to have better meals and the system actually works.

PSA Poster

Poster 4

On my poster I wanted my targeted audience to know about the importance of healthy school lunches and shouldn’t be thrown away and be wasted. Healthier school lunches provides nutritional foods such as fruit and vegetables besides their main entrée to fulfill a well-balanced diet.  On the PSA poster that I created, it indicates young students to stop throwing away their lunches and to feel guilty on how much they are wasting food that is given to them when there are children that are suffering from hunger.

The poster’s targeted audience are students (mostly from middle school to high school students). I choose because middle and high school students can understand how serious the message of the poster than younger students (elementary school students). I avoided using bright colors are went choose black and white as my color theme for the poster. I used the color red and capitalized on the terms “HOLD UP!” and “THINK THIS”. I wanted to grab the attention of students before they throw their lunches in the trash. By using black and white the poster gives off the feeling that there is something sad or serious about the overall poster.

The poster wants to convey to the students to stop throwing away food. As I said before, I red on the words “HOLD UP!” and “THINK THIS” as an attention seeker for the students.   I want students to get their attention to the poster so they can fully read and look at the overall statement of the poster. Having the red words in capitalized letters also shows that the tone of the words is serious and strong. Using the phrase” HOLD UP!” I want students to stop and look just like when car stops when there is a stop sign nearby.  Also by using “THINK THIS” I want them to look over to the statement that the poster is really trying to convey.

I used guilt as a theme for this poster so children can realize that they are fortunate enough to have food yet they are wasting away their privileges of having healthy food when there are children who are suffering from hunger. Using a child that is hungry staring of a plate so the audience can feel how food is important to not be thrown away and sympathy towards the child in the poster because it doesn’t have anything to eat. I also made the original picture of the child to be black and white instead keeping it colorful because I wanted to show how the child is sad which gives off a gloomy tone in the picture. The child itself implies that she is sad as she is at home and can’t eat anything probably because her family can’t afford food. That is why in the poster it indicates that “Many children across America only eat once a day and it’s the school lunch”. The text can indicate that from the picture of the young child that it can’t eat food while at home and the only chance she can eat is when she goes to school where she can eat the school lunch.

I can imagine that this poster can be effective if the poster I beside a trash can in the cafeteria where students can see this message of how serious the problem of throwing school lunches. This poster should show how wasting food is sad and is not right because many students are taking advantage having foods


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