How well is the Healthy Hunger-Free Kids act working?

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Ever since the Healthy Hunger Free-Kids Act was implemented in 2010, schools nationwide has focused on serving healthier lunches for the students. Many people are divided whether the act is working or not. Many of the supporters feel that the Healthy Hunger Free-Kids Act is working and saw improvement in schools implementing better lunches for children.

The number one reason why the Act is working because there was increase of schools of serving healthier lunches. According from the New York Times, “Nearly 80 percent of schools offered two or more vegetables per meal in 2104, the date showed up from 62 percent in 2000. Two or more fruits were offered in about 78 percent of schools, up from 68 percent in 2000.” The increase of serving of fruits and vegetables shows that schools are trying to implement the standards the Act proposed and students can be exposed more on eating healthier meals while in school.

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Another benefit of the Act was that is that it will help decrease childhood hunger. The National Education Association states that, low-income students can have healthier lunches for free and the expansion of more breakfast/after school meals for students. This is an important factor students who are low-income because they shouldn’t worry about what to eat and focus on other things, like studying and enjoying being a student.

Many of opponents are concerned about the increased waste that the students are doing because they most likely don’t eat the fruits and vegetables. Researchers from the University of Connecticut states, “Students consumed more of their lunch entrees (up from 71 percent of their entrée in the spring of 2012 to 84 percent in 2014), thus also decreasing food waste.” This statistic shows that children are actually trying to eat more the healthier lunches that their schools are serving them.

The Act made awareness how serious the increase of childhood obesity. After the Act was established, First Lady Michelle Obama’s Let’s Move Program was established focusing teaching students to have healthier diets and regular exercise. With the Act, childhood obesity was decreased, “health experts have documented small yet promising declines in the rate of childhood obesity, which was about 17 percent in 2012…” With the Act and the Let’s Move Program, there is a promising decrease of childhood obesity and in the long run can maintain the decrease thus lowering the statistic of children being obese in the United States.

Opinions of some individuals show their support on the Healthy-Hunger Free Kids Act,  (in response of the a New York Times article that opposes the Healthy-Hunger Free Act) like Sandra G. Hassink,the president of American Academy of Pediatrics as she states, “We owe it to those children to make school meals as healthy as possible, which is exactly what the nutrition standards in the Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids do. It’s what parents want; it’s what the public supports, and it’s what pediatricians know is best for lifelong health of children.” Being a supporter of the Act, Hassink knows how beneficial the Act is for children. Also being an pediatrician, Hassink would know if the school lunches are healthy for students to be served.

Another opinion of one of the supporters, Katie Wilson the former president School Nutrition Association, states “Given what schools have been able to achieve, there is no reason to turn back the clock now. Any parent will tell you that feeding them well, can be a challenge, but giving our children a fair shot a healthier, more productive future is worth it.” Wilson is stating that it is a challenge for the Act to actually work in effectively. But since it has been implemented and small changes around school lunch programs are happening there is a good chance for the Act to be successful because kids are eating healthier meals.

These reasons shows the impact the Healthy Hunger-Free Kids Act for the past five years. This Act was made solely because for students to not just eat healthy food but to end childhood hunger. The Act is also wanting to lower children who has obesity and promote a healthy lifestyle.

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